Our Work

From solar orphan to carbon neutral

We assisted Randall Pearce to update his old solar system, with his goal being to export enough excess green energy to fully offset his family’s total carbon footprint.

Solar delivers savings of $100,000

A year after installing solar panel systems across their Ivanhoe and Plenty campuses, Ivanhoe Grammar School is saving around $100,000 a year.

A little ingenuity goes a long way

Greta Gillies has been making effective home energy efficiency improvements that don’t cost a fortune. For example, why buy new tubing when you can find perfectly functional tubing in a hard rubbish collection?!

A transition to an all-electric home

Despite a tight budget , Michael Copsey and his family have been able to retrofit their family home in Macleod to all-electric and solar powered. They're not quite at zero energy bills yet but it’s close!

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Banyule Clean Energy

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